The garage is a very useful part of one’s home. It’s a place to park cars, store tools, and keep equipment during the winter months. But what if your garage floor doesn’t look as presentable as you’d like? Do you know what are the best ways to clean the garage floor?
The answer is yes. You can make sure your garage floor is spotless with some simple cleaning tricks that won’t cost you an arm and a leg. Read on to learn more about how to keep your garage floor clean.
Is It Necessary to Clean Garage Floors?
Keeping your garage clean is as essential as keeping your car in tip-top shape. After all, a dirty garage floor attracts dirt, debris, and germs, but it’s also extremely troublesome. A messy garage can be a breeding ground for all sorts of problems.
A cluttered garage is a breeding ground for most house issues, from getting stuck in vehicles to breaking windows to attracting animals.
Why It Matters: Your garage floor can affect your vehicle’s performance. Dirtier floors reduce fuel efficiency, clogged brakes, and other associated problems with unkept garages. And cleaning it regularly can also be very beneficial.
A clean garage floor is easier to disinfect, less messy to clean, and less likely to cause problems with your car’s computer or other electronic devices.
What Are the Best Cleaning Tools&Cleaners for Concrete Garage Floors?
To keep your garage clean, you need some tools and cleaners which are easy to use and effective. Here are some of our top recommendations for the best cleaning tools and cleaners for a concrete garage floor:
- Concrete Garage Floor Brush
Concrete garage floor brushes are usually made of synthetic rubber, but plenty of options are available with natural bristle tips. Brushes come in different sizes, with the largest suitable for very dirty areas.
- Concrete Garage Floormop
A floor mop is usually a handheld unit with a mopping pad. One of the best choices for a concrete garage floor is a floor mop with a target dosing system.
You can target dose by having different types of mops with different-sized pads to cover a wider area.
A floor mop with a dosing system is ideal for areas that have different textures, such as concrete and wooden floors.
- Concrete Garage Floor Polish
Concrete floors are hard, so you will need to use a hard-based polish such as mineral oil, benzine, benzalkonium, or car wax.
While you can use a polish intended for concrete floors on any paintable surface, it is usually easiest to use a hard-based polish on concrete.
Hard-based polishes are very effective at removing dirt and grime from concrete, but be careful not to over-polish as this can damage the finish.
- Concrete Degreasers
Degreasers are typically synthetic rubber with a scourer bottom to help remove oil and grease from hard floors.
While most floor cleaners have a “chain” function that allows you to chain together multiple floor brushes to clean multiple areas, a degreaser chain should be used only on the part of the chain directly attached to the mophead.
To keep your degreasers clean, you should change them regularly with fresh ones. You can buy degreasers at most hardware and home improvement stores.
Deep Cleaning General Garage Floor Cleaning Routine
Here’s an overview of the General Garage Floor Cleaning Routine:
- Remove items on garage floors.
You don’t have to take everything out of your garage before cleaning it. If you need to take something out, remove the item’s wheels and pedals.
Then, use a tool like a Flashlight or a screwdriver, or even your hands to dislodge the item from its resting place. Some items, like bicycles and lawnmowers, can stay put while others, like toys, can be stored elsewhere.
- Cover a sheet of plastics on permanent objects.
If you have plastic items such as toys, stools, or toys, it’s good to cover them with a sheet of plastic to avoid getting dirt and debris in your eyes.
Plastic bags work well for this purpose, or you can use a plastic storage box. If you want to go more in-depth with this, you can also buy special plastic covers.
- Sweep your floors
If you have concrete floors, you’re in luck! Sweep your floors using a floor sweeper or a scrubbing sponge. Never use a hard broom or a metal pole to sweep your concrete floors, as this can track dirt and debris all over the place.
A sponge is an acceptable alternative if you don’t have a floor sweeper. Cleaning your concrete floors takes less time, but you’ll have to clean the dirt off with a scrubbing sponge.
- Use a cleaner to rinse the floors
If you have stone or tile floors, you’re in luck. Use a cleaner to rinse your concrete and tile floors.
Never use a hard broom or a metal pole to scrub your stone or tile floors, as this can track dirt and debris all over the place. If you don’t have a scrubbing sponge, you can use a toilet brush, toothbrush, or even your fingers.
- Scrub the stains
There are many different ways to scrub your stains. Some people like to use the pressure technique, where they scrub the stain with a scrubbing sponge and a bowl of water.
This can be effective, but it’s messy. You can also scrub the stain with mild soapsuds and oil cleansers. You can purchase cleansers in cans or bottles or make your own at home.
One way to make your cleansers is to mix one tablespoon of washing soda with one tablespoon of oil or vinegar. You can also add a tablespoon of baking soda to get stronger.
- Repeat
Once you’ve removed all the dirt and grime from your garage floor, it’s time to step back and admire your handiwork. If you’ve done everything correctly, your garage floor should be as clean as possible.
How Power Wash Your Garage Floor?
Read on for helpful tips on effective power washing your garage floor.
- Determine What Type Of Floor You Have And How Bad It Is
Using a sharp object, like a hammer, lightly mark the concrete around the perimeter of your garage floor. If the floor is smooth, this will indicate that additional coats of concrete are necessary.
If imperfections, such as grooves and cracks, indicate how far you need to go with the power washing routine.
- Use A Foam Roll
To use a foam roller, simply place it on the ground and place your feet on top of it. You want to pull your knees up toward your chest, bending your back knee, creating a “rollercoaster” effect as you roll out the floor.
Once you have a smooth surface, remove your feet and place them on a counter or bench to finish the rolling.
This type of roller is specifically made to be used on concrete. If you have another type of floor, you will likely want to use a different type of roller.
- Sweep Away The Debris With A Bargain Bin Dragger
You will need to consider the last thing for garage floor power washing is your bargain bin dragger. If you have a lot of trash and debris in your garage, this is the ideal device to help you get it out.
You can purchase a cheap one at your local hardware store or purchase a more expensive model designed to carry larger trash bags.
Using a bargain bin dragger, place the bag in the opening at the bottom of the basket and push it out with your foot. You should keep the bottom of the bag open to easily remove the bag for disposal.
- Vacuum Up The Debris, Excluding Your Filter
The last thing you will want to do for garage floor power washing is to vacuum up the dirt and debris that washes away.
This is the same dirt and debris that is being removed with the help of your bargain bin dragger, foam roller, and helping objects. If possible, try to keep these items as you find them. This will enable you to keep track of what goes where and clean your garage floor.
- Rinse And Repeat
Finally, rinse and repeat the process you used the first time around to clean your garage floor. This will ensure that the power wash has removed all the dirt and debris and that the floor is ready for a new coat of paint or flooring. Make sure to test the consistency of the water in your garage.
Safety Considerations When Cleaning Garage Floors
These are some tips for safe power washing your garage floor.
- Get a Grip on Your Power Washer
A power washer will do the work without you having to hold anything. But, to keep it from turning into a plane-washing machine, you need to have a grasp on the washer.
- Protect Wet Tools From Bounciness
One of the biggest dangers associated with power washers is building excess tools. Over time, the motors in the machines get strong enough to pick up large objects like lawnmowers, leaf blowers, and even kids’ toys. If you have a large family or a lot of tools spread out over a garage, this could cause a dangerous situation.
- Keep Gloves On While Washing
One of the biggest challenges facing garage floor power washing is keeping hands and gloves from getting too dirty.
Suppose you wash your hands while power washing; you’re likely to have gunky hands. To keep your gloves from getting dirtier, simply lay them out on a towel before you start scrubbing.
This will stop the saliva between your fingers and into the bristles.
- Check For Hazards Before You Start
One of the biggest challenges facing garage floor power washing is the potential for hazardous materials like oil and gasoline. Make sure that before you begin, you check the area around you for hazards.
Best Ways to Clean Stained Garage Floor
- Remove Oils and grease
One of the most overlooked parts of garage floor maintenance is the removal of the oils and greases that build up on your carpenters’ workbench and your favorite tools over time.
These can be hard to get off without a scraper so try using a wire brush instead. Wire brushes are excellent at removing surface oil and grease when tasked with removing oils and greases. They are so effective that you might find it harder to get rid of the greases and oils on your hands while doing this job.
- Clean the Rust Stains
Rust is a build-up of metal ions in the pores of the metal surface. This can be a problem when dealing with low-melting metals like steel, as these can build up quickly and create ugly rust stains on your garage floor. To get these stains out, you’ll need a stain remover.
Most garage floor cleaners are designed to remove stains, but they can be ineffective at removing rust. If you want to remove rust directly from the metal surface, a rust remover is best.
- Remove paints
Another common build-up in garages is the build-up of paint. This build-up can cause stains and a loss of color when you come to clean your garage.
While it might not appear to be a problem when the garage is empty, flecks of colored paint can become embedded in your garage floors when you’re working on your car.
How Do I Make Your Garage Floor Look New?
Garage floors are known for looking decades old, so it’s important to take care of them. A great way to give your garage floor a facelift is with a professional surface removal.
Surface removal can remove the old finishes, leaving only the bare concrete. A pro will use a wire brush to get all the dirt and grime off your floors, leaving behind just the concrete.
Ensure that no dirt is left behind and that there are no excess superfluous layers of paint. If your garage floor is still muddy after a surface removal, you can always call a pro to do a deeper cleaning.
If your garage floor is dirty, use a mild detergent and water solution and then a wire brush to clean the dirt and grime from the walls, baseboard, and window sills. It will be much easier to keep your other floors clean when your garage floor is clean.
Your garage floor should be vacuumed every two months, while your other floors should be mopped when they get dirty. If your garage floor is dirty beyond repair, you should have it replaced. To keep your garage floor clean, follow these tips, and your garage will be glad you treated it with a bit of love.