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How To Clean Discolored Vinyl Flooring?

If your vinyl flooring is starting to look a little too yellow or brown for your liking, don’t worry – there is a solution! In this blog post, we will teach you how to clean discolored vinyl flooring and restore it back to its original condition. So whether your flooring is just dirty or has been stained by a spill, we have the perfect solution for you. Keep reading to learn more!

5 Reasons Why Your Vinyl Flooring Might Be Discolored (and How to Fix It)

Nothing ruins the look of a beautiful floor like discoloration. If you’ve noticed that your once-pristine vinyl flooring has started to lose its luster, you might be wondering what’s causing the problem—and how you can fix it. Keep reading to find out!

There are a few reasons why your vinyl flooring might look a little worse for the wear. Here are some of the most common causes of discolored or stained vinyl flooring:

Moisture: Too much moisture can cause all sorts of problems for vinyl floors, including discoloration. If you live in a high-humidity climate or your home is prone to flooding, you might consider using a dehumidifier or installing a vapor barrier to protect your floors.

Mildew and mold: These pesky organisms love nothing more than a dark, damp place to call home—like the cracks and crevices in your vinyl flooring! If you suspect that mildew or mold is to blame for the discoloration of your floors, be sure to clean the affected area with a solution of bleach and water as soon as possible.

Incorrectly applied adhesives: If the adhesive used to install your vinyl flooring wasn’t allowed to cure properly before use, it could start to eat away at the finish of your floors, causing them to become discolored. To avoid this problem, make sure you hire a professional with experience installing vinyl floors—and make sure they allow the adhesive to cure completely before walking on it.

Chemical reactions: Some household cleaners can cause chemical reactions when they come into contact with certain types of vinyl flooring, resulting in unsightly staining. To play it safe, always test cleaners in an inconspicuous area before using them on your floors—and avoid using any cleaners that contain ammonia or vinegar.

Sunlight: Believe it or not, too much sunlight can actually cause discoloration in some types of vinyl flooring. If your floors are starting to look faded or patchy, try moving any rugs or furniture that might be blocking sunlight from reaching them. You might also want to invest in some UV-resistant window film to help protect your floors from the sun’s harmful rays.

How To Clean Discolored Vinyl Flooring?

Now that we know what causes discoloration in vinyl floors, it’s time to talk about how you can clean it!

Here are simple tips:

  • If dirt and dust are the problem, start by sweeping or vacuuming your floors with a soft brush attachment. Then, mop them with a solution of warm water and mild soap.
  • For tougher stains, mix 1/4 cup of baking soda with 1/2 cup of white vinegar in a quart-sized spray bottle.
  • Spray the mixture onto the stain and let it sit for five minutes before scrubbing with a nylon brush. Finally, rinse away any residue with warm water and pat dry with a clean towel.
  • If all else fails, call in reinforcements! A professional cleaner will likely have tackled every type of stain under the sun—so they’ll know exactly what products and methods will get rid of even the most stubborn stains quickly and easily.

Or you can try:

1. Pour a bucket of bleach and water solution (10 parts water to 1 part bleach) onto the discolored area and use a scrub brush to work it in.

2. Rinse the area with clean water and dry it with a cloth or mop.

3. If the discoloration is still visible, try using lemon juice and baking soda paste (1 part baking soda to 2 parts lemon juice). Let the paste sit on the area for 15 minutes before wiping it up.

4. Rubbing alcohol can also be used to remove stains (70% or 99% isopropyl alcohol). Pour rubbing alcohol onto the affected area and use a cloth to rub it in a circular motion.

5. Create a paste of cream of tartar and water (3 teaspoons cream of tartar to 1 cup of water) and apply it to the discolored area. Let it sit for 30 minutes before scrubbing it off and rinsing with clean water.

Do Not Use Bleach to Clean Discolored Vinyl Plank Floor

While bleach can be effective for removing mildew, mold and other discolorations, it’s not the best option for cleaning vinyl plank flooring. Bleach can cause fading of the color in the flooring, leaving a yellowish tinge. It can also damage the protective coating on the surface, leaving your floors vulnerable to further staining and damage.

To keep your vinyl floors looking their best, always follow the manufacturer’s instructions when it comes to care and cleaning. Regularly sweeping and mopping your floors will help extend their life and reduce discoloration from dirt buildup. If you do have a stain that won’t come out with regular soap and water, try one of the above solutions—but always be sure to test it in an inconspicuous area before treating the entire floor. le TLC, you can keep your vinyl floors looking like new for years!


Discolored or stained vinyl flooring is no match for these simple cleaning solutions! With just a little elbow grease (and maybe some professional help), you’ll have your floors looking good as new in no time flat.

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