Marble floors looks incredible, and traditionally, and it is viewed as an elegance sign. So, most homeowners have marble floors. Even though the marble floor comes with a lot of positivity, you should note that it is a material that is porous; hence stains and liquid can easily stain your marble surface.
Therefore, if you are worried about removing stains from your marble floor, worry no more because this article will make you more informed on “how to remove stains from marble floors“.
Best Ways to Remove Stains from Marble Floors
How to remove stains from marble floors? Before you commence removing stains from your marble floors, you must understand that there are various types of marble floors. This will help you know how to tackle different kinds of stain, such as:
- Etch marks
- Smoke damage and soot buildup
- Paint and ink
- Rust
- Soap Scum
- Organic stains
- Oil-based stains
In addition to these, there are many ways of removing stains from your marble floor. These ways include the use of:
 Corn Starch
 This is a primary way of removing stains on your marble floor, especially when it comes to grease splatters. Sprinkle your cornstarch on the area and let t settle for at least 15 minutes; the corn starch will lift all the grease off your marble floor.
When you are through, ensure that you rinse your marble with clean water and soap.
Flour poultice and liquid soap
Mix a cup of unbleached flour plus three tablespoons of liquid detergent dishwashing that is gentle to form a paste. Make sure that the result of your paste is like a thick yogurt or sour cream.
Apply it on the stain thickly, cover it using a plastic wrap, and wait for approximately 24 hours until your paste is dry.
After confirming it is dry, rinse it from your marble using warm water as well as soap. In case it fails to eliminate the stain, repeat the entire process until you get a positive result.
Hydrogen Peroxide Soak
Soak a piece of your cotton gaze using the hydrogen peroxide, ensure that this gauze has the same size as the spot and fully saturated.
Find the stain on your marble floor, position your cotton gaze on the satin, and engulf it using the plastic; make sure you position it over the stain on your marble floor. Moreover, you can opt to add a heavy mug or even a plate on top of the entire covering to exert more pressure on the affected area.
Let the pad settle on the satin for around 24 hours. If the stain does not come off, reapply the same process until you remove the stubborn stain.
Baking Soda Poultice
When you want to commence the entire stain removal process, you need to ensure that you blot the stain spot using a towel that is old or tissue absorbs a lot of substance.
Mix a minimal quantity of baking soda plus water to make paste until you get a paste similar to yogurt or sour cream. Apply it on the stain and leave it to settle for approximately 24 hours.
Make sure that the paste dries to get rid of the stain from your marble. After that, rinse your marble floor using mild soap as well as warm water.
Rubbing alcohol solution
This solution is appropriate whenever spills are prone to happen. You only require to put 1/8 cup rubbing alcohol in a bottle spray.
Mix with some drops of liquid detergent that is gentle; shake your bottle before you go ahead to spay the entire solution on the stain on your marble floor. Give it a few seconds, then wipe it off using your duster or clean cloth.
Things to Avoid When Removing a Stain On Marble Flooring
A gleaming marble floor gives your home an elegant impression. Moreover, routine maintenance and cleaning can enable the marble to retain its shininess as well as beauty.
Note that stones can also be damaged with products as well as chemicals that are wrong. Since marble is slightly soft and a porous stone, it needs extra care for scratches prevention and to avoid dullness.
Below are several things you should avoid removing stains on your marble flooring. These are:
Avoid using acidic cleaning detergents
The acidic cleaning products are likely to cause damages that are permanent on your marble floor. Furthermore, the acid reacts with calcium carbonate in marble and damages it.
Therefore, finding a cleaning product that comes with a balanced pH is ideal for maintaining your entire stone’s beauty and integrity. On the other hand, take great care to ensure that you do not spill any acidic foods on your marble floors.
Allowing spills to settle
You must be knowing that marble is simply a porous stone; it can easily absorb liquids. On that note, avoid allowing pills to settle on your marble since it can easily make its way and stain your stone.
Therefore, ensure that you clean up all the spills immediately they get on your marble floor to avoid damages and spots.
Not mopping regularly or using doormats
Sand, dirt, and debris are usually abrasive on the marble floor since they can damage your floor, like scratching your surface. It is appropriate that you put doormats outside and inside your house to minimize debris quantity from your shoes.
It is also vital to use dust mops that are clean to clean your marble floors more often and avoid debris from building up on your marble floor.
Not sealing the stone
In case you want your marble floor to last for long, you must do regular sealing to avoid unnecessary stains by maximizing liquid resistance and water; note that sealing marble is never complicated.
However, commence by cleaning your floor thoroughly, then spray your sealer in a section of 3-foot.
Wipe your sealer into the marble using a lint-free cloth before it dries on the surface, then let the sealer cure.
On the other hand, do not polish your marble floor since it is likely to become slippery, hence becoming dangerous.
Skip cleaning regularly
Ensure that you keep the luster on the marble floor; you can only achieve this by regularly mopping using a stone cleaner that is safe and has no vinegar, ammonia, or lemon.
Moreover, regular cleaning prevents the accumulation of dirt and grime. It also minimizes damage and etching from your foot, which is likely to carry debris.
From the above information, you are now familiar with how to remove stains from marble floors, the best ways to get rid of stains from your marble floor.
You also understand the things you should avoid when you are eliminating stains on your marble flooring. Thus, it calls upon you to implement the above information to effectively remove stains from your marble floor and experience excellent results.