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Is It Better to Wash Your Clothes Inside Out?

There are a lot of debates about whether it is better to wash clothes inside out or outside in. Some people swear by one method or the other, but which one really is the best? In this blog post, we will explore both methods and discuss the pros and cons of each one. We will also provide some tips on how to get the most out of your laundry routine!

Is It Better to Wash Your Clothes Inside Out?

Wash Your Clothes Inside Out

Yes. Let’s take a closer look at the advantages and disadvantages of washing clothes inside out.

Pros of Washing Clothes Inside Out

The main advantage of washing clothes inside out is that it can help prevent fading and pilling.

This is because the inner surface of the fabric, which faces away from the sun and environmental wear, is on the outside when you turn the garment inside out.

This means that those surfaces will not fade as quickly, preserving your clothing items for longer.

Additionally, turning garments inside out can also help reduce snagging on rough surfaces such as zippers or buttons.

Cons of Washing Clothes Inside Out

The main disadvantage of washing clothes inside out is that some delicate fabrics can become easily wrinkled or distorted by being washed this way.

Furthermore, if your garment has any kind of decoration (such as an appliquéd logo), then washing it inside out could cause damage to the design over time due to rubbing against other items in the wash cycle.

Finally, if you’re using a detergent with brighteners these will not be exposed to your clothing items unless they are turned right side out during the wash cycle.

Washing Clothes Inside Out (Less Friction, Less Damage)

If you want to get the most out of your laundry routine, then it is definitely worth considering washing clothes inside out.

Washing clothes inside out puts a layer of fabric between the outside world and the fibers of your garments.

This helps to reduce friction when being washed and also prevents items like buttons and zippers from coming loose or breaking. This is especially beneficial for delicate fabrics like silk and lace.

This way, you can help prevent fading and pilling from occurring due to exposure from the environment and other items in the wash cycle.

Additionally, turning your garments inside out before washing them can also help reduce snagging on buttons or zippers.

Just be sure to consider the fabric type before you do so, as some garments may become wrinkled or distorted if they are washed this way.

Finally, remember that using detergent with brighteners will not benefit your clothes unless they are turned right side out during the wash cycle.

To Avoid Color Fading, Especially for Denim and Dark Clothes

If you have dark clothing items like denim jeans, turning them inside out before washing will help to protect their color from fading due to the harsh detergents used in the laundry process. The same goes for light-colored clothing items such as white blouses or t-shirts that are prone to yellowing with age.

Turning your clothes inside out before washing can also help to prevent any dye from transferring onto other items in the wash cycle. This is especially important for garments that are brightly colored or have a pattern such as stripes.

To Protect the Print and To Keep Ribbons and Buttons from Coming Loose

why should you wash your clothes inside out

Turning clothes inside out also helps to keep printed graphics on t-shirts or sweaters from fading or cracking over time. Additionally, ribbons and buttons are less likely to come loose if they are on the inside of a garment instead of rubbing against other garments during the wash cycle.

Washing Your Clothes Dirty Side Out (To Actually Remove The Dirt)

Last but certainly not least, washing your clothing items dirty side out ensures that any dirt or stains on your garments are more likely to be removed during the wash process, resulting in cleaner and brighter clothes overall!

The dirt and debris are drawn away from the fibers of your clothing, giving them a better chance of being cleaned.

This is especially beneficial for items that have been stained or heavily soiled.


Turning your clothes inside out before washing can help to protect the fibers from fading and pilling due to environmental wear. It can also reduce snagging on buttons or zippers and prevent dye transfer onto other items in the wash cycle. Just be sure to consider the fabric type first before you do so, as some fabrics may become wrinkled or distorted if they are washed this way. Finally, remember that brighteners in detergent will not benefit your clothes unless they are turned right side out during the wash cycle.

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